Remember that from my last entry, i mentioned a certain very special & cute pair of espadrilles that i absolutely adore and dying to get my hands on. i also mentioned that i'll never find them in singapore and if i order them online it'll cost me US$60 plus shipping fees which obviously means: outta question. (pssst i even asked my friend in australia if they have that there).
Those were the divinely desirable (to me ok) shoes you see:
Notice that the model has gorgeous feet.
Ok. now see here:
Whose feet is THAT??? so ugly!! but whatever!! they are my feet!! whose shoes are those??? my shoes!!!
Haha! my tommy hilfiger holly women's sandals on my feet!! woooots~! (as char would put it)
To cut the fairy tale short, mermaid & i actually set out on an unintended quest for tommy hilfiger shops today. the only shop we know is at taka which we were sure won't sell shoes cos it's just a small little corner in a departmental store pooh! so we were walkingwalking around those rich looking bulidings and took some photos (will post later). in my new heels somemore.( yup i already bought new shoes recently) so painful. charles and keith may be inexpensive but definitely not too comfortable to wear. anyway, no tommy. boohoo.
Dejected, we decided to walk to that stupid taka outlet to, haha, CHECK. To our horror of horrors, there lay my tommy hilfiger holly women's sandals! in 3 different colours! (although i know of 5)
Imagine my surprise.
And it costs $59! sing dollars!! ok not like it's very cheap. but it's much cheaper than expected! and no shipping!
Suddenly the world seemed more beautifooool...
Even the rude salesperson didn't piss me off too much.
See there you have it. Jinling and her espadrilles. it's such an awful & selfish kind of self-indulgence. it's almost like a sin. i don't even need new shoes!! and $59?? damn ex compared to my previous shoes!! i can eat 6 mudpies! and 3 1/2 inch high! i can't even walk for long on them. what's this man. jinling is a pig!
Ay... but those were such nice shoes. i was trying them on and parading in front of the shop's mirror, which happened to be at the shop window. and people were staring at my feet! for the 1st time! i tried them on at the esplanade later again and people were staring at my feet, for the 2nd time! while bra was posing his camera at my feet. they could actually think that i'm a shoe model!! wahaha... =D
...with ugly feet! Lyn says a dancer's feet are never nice. ha! so i'm fine with my feet.
SO anyone who wants to ask jinling out for a meal can make a special request for her to put on her especially divine shoes. but limited to meals only.
I sound so bimbo right. buy a pair so-not-cheap shoes just cos they look so pretty. hey but i'm actually not. i like to read you know. remember they always had those reading programmes in primary school where the person who reads the most gets some sorta badge?
Ok i'm not that person. but i read a lot. i did a lot of book reviews. (1 for every 5 books read) and apparently they are so well-written that somehow they always appear on the class noticeboard! no kidding!
因為我最近剛下載了中文的軟件﹐ 所以今天便打算以中文來寫我的網絡日記。 我也不知道為什麼打出來的字會是繁體字﹐ 因為我明明是輸入簡體字的。 所以對於那些看不懂繁體或者華文的人。 太壞了。 (too bad)
我今天發現了一雙我非常喜歡的鞋子。 他們叫它作espadrilles。先給大家看一看。 Tommy Hilfiger Holly Women's Sandal﹕
很漂亮吧。 聽說有5種不同的顏色。 但是還是黃色最好看。 我真的很喜歡﹗ 可是不知道本地有沒有售賣。 但是就算有﹐ 價錢也不便宜喲。 美金六十元吧。 而且還要從網上訂購﹗﹖﹗ 所以以上只是在說夢話.
過了這麼久﹐ 我只能輸入這麼幾個華文字。 因為我的漢語拼音有一點爛。 但是我還是做到了﹗ 哇哈哈﹗ 不錯吧﹗ 我雙語精通﹗ 我是無敵的﹗
來來來﹐送給你一首歌吧。最近剛剛發現的。( 對﹐我知道我有點慢。)
曲:李偲菘 | 词:李焯雄 | 编:Terence Teo
他们猜我们后来有没有再见 离席了才会晓得怀念
突然我记起你的脸 那触动依然像昨天 对自己
是不是回忆就是淡淡柠檬草 心酸里又有芳香的味道
曾以为你是全世界 但那天已经好遥远 绕一圈
我才发现我有更远地平线 我们都没错 只是不适合
我要的 我现在才懂得 快乐是我的 不是你给的
毕竟用尽了力气也未必如愿 总是要过去以后才了解
突然我记起你的脸 爱不爱不过一念之间
我们都没错 只是不适合 亲爱的 我当时不懂得
选择是我的 不是你给的 明天自己负责
给昨天的我一个拥泡 曾经她不知如何是好
若我们再见我会微笑 谢谢你 谢谢你 我尝过 爱的好
我们都没错 只是不适合 我要的 我现在才懂得
快乐是我的 不是你给的 寂寞要自己负责
我要的 我现在才懂得 选择是我的 不是你给的
幸福要自己负责 错过的 请你把握
我非常明白是沒有人會有耐性去真的讀完我的歌。 嘿嘿﹗ 但是每次聽到這首歌﹐ 總會有點傷感。 我還偏偏故意一直去聽﹗ 真沒意思。
今天寫的日記真的有夠費的。 好無聊的一天。 不過用華文寫日記還不錯。 能夠溫習自己的華文又可以消磨多餘的時間。 就好像今天這樣。 一舉兩得。 多好啊﹗
今天就到此為止吧﹗ 再見。
And in case the above looks like just symbols to you, don't worry they are only meant to be chinese words. not some weird symbols for you to decipher to read the entry. i'm not into da vinci's code. go encoding to translate the page!