Blue's clue | Don | Cheeguan | Enting | Fish | Jason | Jianning | Joyce | Mermaid | Shiyun | Sisbra | Sokyin | Weini | Xinying | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend | friend |

[[JiN LiNg]]

Girl 18.
Cedarian. AJcian.
Currently employed & occupied
Pet terapin calls WangBa about a year old

The simpsons Spongebobsquarepants Movies Chocolates Good food in general Music Dance Snooze Nice stickers The list continues forever

Saturday, April 30, 2005

My stint at kino has finally ended... more than 3 months already... i think my colleagues all treated me like a little girl ie. i'm showered with all the care and concern heehee... very grateful for all the love.

So i'm currently jobless. except for a road show tomorrow. i need another source of INCOME soon.

I had an extremely long conversation online with some very tall person yesterday. (hehe) and it lasted till almost 6 in the morning! whee~ we were talking about relationship stuff... the difference between the mentality of females and males... how complicated...

He said this which made me feel all twisted inside: "maybe he really did love you very much. so much that he's very insecure and afraid that he'll lose you. the way you have been acting made him think that he's not good enough and he constantly feels that you're gonna leave him.he got so worried and tired already until he lost it completely."
" it's a men's pride and ego that have been preventing him from telling you certain problems he's been facing... he wouldn't bear to restrict you in anything u do... "
" you know why i understand that so well? it's cos i've been through the exact same thing."

*not exact quotes... just similar.

It could all make perfect sense to me, when i think back to the series of events. everyone's been telling me that some things may not be what they seem to be. but wilful jinling just liked to believe in negative things that seemed so true in her face then. however, they are all not important anymore, i guess... just a lesson to learn... i'm not sure if i still want to know the absolute truth anymore... =)


Oh one day i was looking through my contacts, and i realized there are so many of them which perpetually remained red. never online to me. so i thought MAYBE THEY BLOCKED ME!! maybe they've had enough of crappy conversations with that super irritating and erratic jinling that they've decided to block her out for good!! so i decided maybe i should now block THEM instead. so that i could tell myself that even when they're online i wouldn't see them online so they're perpetually offline cos i've blocked them and i wouldn't know if they've blocked me! ha! does msn work like that??

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

11:17 PM

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I hope anonymous comes to my blog more cos she'll see how much sluttier i can get and she'll go around telling her friends: "go look at this jinling's blog man she's a slut." then a lot of people will come visit my blog and i'll have more hits and it'll spread and spread and it'll finally become a prada blog!! woo hoo~

But actually in what way am i a slut? haha i haven't been going around stealing boyfriends lately. nor any of that sort. i just got too tired and moody recently to blog an entry of high interest.

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Here's a yummilicious pic from a kimura drama i've recently finished watching. ok maybe not that yummilicious.

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This is sweet... i will go generate more pics soon. yummy.


Oh anyway an update on FB. i was instructed to call her again on monday. trying to be as polite as can be, i greeted her good morning and informed her that i'm calling from kinokuniya and this was her reply:" oh i have nothing to say." *kup. ahem. thank you.

My colleague says she's behaving like an ostrich now, hiding her head when there'a a problem. actually i think she's just annoyed. probably with her stupid self. so am i. but STILL she is a customer and when a customer behaves in such a negative way it means not good. so now my manager is not happy with whoever made the decision to pester her. not me. i keep telling myself that i'm not at fault at all. but somehow... since i was the one who had been speaking to her... feeling a bit bad... but i didn't do anything wrong! heh.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

10:37 PM

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I feel so sad. i feel like crying right now. actually i am. maybe it's pms.

I'm starting to watch another new jap drama by kimura again. 'Pride'. the theme song was nice... inspiring... i seem to be using the word 'inspiring' a lot these days. my vocab is just so limited.

"i was born to love you... with every single beat of my heart..."

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

11:44 PM

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Since i've written a tribute for mermaid i might as well suck up to some of my muackzilicious friends here too! heh...

Jianning: i've known jianning for the 6th year & she's one of the people who've changed the most over the years... in a good way of course haha... i've seen her transform from a quiet geeky girl to the chiobu now! we get along superbly well although our characters differ quite a lot. we can talk (& gossip) about anything under the sun, that's why we're always so thirsty. we both unknowingly touch our hair a lot. jian & i goes shopping together a lot and it's so much fun to try clothes together! hehe... jian is closer to me than a(my) sister & i love her *muackz

What Jianning says: jinling is such a spendthrift. she likes to empty her wallet everyday & i always have to lend her more to buy more impractical things. she's so chattery & clumsy. always throw my face when we go out. she even waves to the chingay floats when people are not even waving to her. weirdo.

Trudi: she's not 'judy' or 'truly'. it's trudi. tru & i form a clique when we were in j2. she's sweet-looking and always have the 'flushed' kinda look. but actually she's very horny. in fact she's our 'horny club' prez. hahaha... tru is a very sweet & forgiving girl thus she always get bullied! grr. she's frequently sick & has the highest record of mcs. tru's the one who comforted me a lot through that CERTAIN tough time & i'm thoroughly grateful. i love tru too *muackz

What trudi says: jinling talks so much rubbish. just look at her blog. and she keeps saying i'm horny. i'm NOT. i just like to say horny stuff but i'm NOT horny k. jinling almost couldn't write an econs essay without looking at mine first. how could she have gotten an A. the marker screwed up lah.


Brandon: He is the most eligible bachelor i know of. i think the first conversation i started with him was: "you are brandon right? my nephew's called brandon too." then he showed a face that said: "no way..." he's gonna be a pilot so maybe someday he can bring me up to the skies! yipee... bradon's supposed to be a quiet guy but he became more chatty. haha... he's smart and sensitive and has a drive in life. apparently lotsa girls fall madly for him! ha! :p this boy is always here for me. i forgot how or why we became good friends but you have no idea how glad i am that we did! =D

What Brandon says: jinling's such a whiner! whine & whine all the time! and she's damn blur lah, still gotta take care of her somemore. hahaz. she enjoys good food like me. crappy girl tokkok a lot. she goes gaga over pilots just cos of some stupid jap drama. she thinks pilots are young cool and handsome. !!! despo girl.


Wansong: we once called each other 'brudders', and somehow it evolved into 'bra'. bra is very nice to talk to and hang out with. i'm very thankful for him cos i know he truly cares for me! although he indirectly caused that CERTAIN tough time but... i'm still very grateful to bra :) bra's house is very comfortable to slack in that's why i keep going to disturb him. thanks bra. you're very cool.

What Wansong says: yeah brandon i agree with you man. jinling's such a whiner. brr. and i suspect she's pyscho. she always throw tantrum at me out of nowhere. then suddenly become all good and normal again as if nothing happened liddat. xiao. and she always cry i have to comfort her. aiyo.


Eunice: because classes were so boring,(esp gp) we had to entertain each other by doing things like talking crap, drawing weird cartoons to our choir songs etc. we often sing in class which actually made people think that we're noisy. pooh how unappreciative. eunice laughs HAHAHAHA super loud and high-pitch and is a good attention seeking device :p she is a fabulously fun and encouraging friend, and not to mention darn smart! she's so good in maths and chem which i suck at hehe...

What Eunice says: that girl ah, so super slack loh. and really very rubbish. she nearly couldn't finish any maths tutorial without my help. that explains why she seldom finishes any. no wonder she got D lah.


Everyone says in chorus: actually we all love jinling cos she's so chio and kind. although she's very childish. but we all love jinling k, those who hurt her will regret it for life. cos she's so chio and kind can.


As you can see i'm really very bored here. online on a saturaday night. it's not even late. apparently the above in italics are all fictional. hehe... sorry if i've offended any of you! :P

But note that all the above that i've written also mean a lot to me... :)

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

8:23 PM

Thursday, April 21, 2005

To You:

It was until recently when i had an extremely difficult conversation with a friend, that i realized how hard it must have been for you to deal with me then. it was amazing how much similarities i discovered through this conversation. it's like suddenly he's me, and i'm you. and i'm feeling exactly how you felt then.

How difficult it must be. to constantly feel that you've been misunderstood. whatever i said, he misconstrued in the most negative way. whatever i explained, he thinks they're excuses, he didn't believe in a single shit until i kept trying to explain & kept trying & kept trying until i can finally pacify him and give him a satisfied answer. i might even have to hide the truth or lie a bit to get the desired response. when everything seems fine now, something i said will spark an anger within him again and the whole thing starts from doh.

How difficult it must be. to have to be on high alert at all times and be terribly conscious of what you say to me, in fear of saying the wrong things again. like treading on dark waters. in fear that i will lash out at you again. this was exactly how i felt when talking to him. at times i'd rather just keep quiet.

How difficult it must have been for you to listen to me being so long-winded at times. i must have been just like him, sprouting out loads & loads in an attempt to explain my own stand. it must have taken up great extents of your patience. just like how it took mine when i was talking to him, yet still trying very hard to be understanding.

I admit that it had been one of my worst conversations with anybody ever. and imagine you had been taking up all these for months. it had only been a few hours for me. and i really realized... how difficult i must have made you feel all these times. it must have been awful to put up with me during that period of time. and it's only you. yet you still try.

I might get to tell you all these, possibly after 2 years, when we get to meet. or i may never see you again. perhaps it doesn't matter. because even at this moment when i realize how doggone selfish i've been behaving, i might still behave the same way even if you appear before me right now.

But what he said was true as well, in a way. he said i think everything is about me. i speak in whichever way i like. i didn't care about how others felt. call that straight-forwardness. it could actually be self-centeredness. i dunno. when i feel depressed i don't really care about how others feel, i feel selfish & disgusting but i don't care a thing cos i just wanna feel better myself. catch me on a bad patch and that's how it is. and it's when you are very very low that you discover who your true friends are. :)

Thus i could never understand why you had always wanted me to rely on myself, to stand up on my own. i could never imagine what i'm living for without my friends. i dunno why i still cherished a hope that you are one of them. cos i'll merely continue to make your life difficult and it's definitely not worth it.

This is a chim article which i'm the only reader who would understand haha... boohoo my prada blog is spoilt. i'm depressed.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

9:38 PM

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Lazy stupid jinling decided to cut and paste her screenshot on her blog yesterday which apparently wouldn't work. duh like what's a photo host for. so when she decided to do another screenshot she discovered that marie has actually updated her tribute! so it's like posting a future entry on a past post. :S anyhow, the screenshot became so small now no one can read marie's description of how great jinling is. therefore please click on marie's link on the left lol...


I met another Freakin' Bitch at work today and i shall call her FB for short. as usual, such FBs like her doesn't have adequate intelligence to produce a proper bankable cheque. worse, she recently sent over a SECOND unbankable cheque. i can only pity her for such unintelligent women seldom appear locally. and thus begins my arduous task of calling...

1st call

Me: Goodmorningalltheintroandusualtalk... would you like to drop another cheque over?
FB: oh i'm really very busy. could you just try to bank it in?
Me: your cheque would likely be rejected and if it happens you'll have to pay an admin fee.
FB(irritated): oh i dunno... could you decide for me...
Me(what the hell): erm...
FB: i dunno when i'll be free to go to the store ok i'm really very busy i'll go when i'm free alrightyakyakyak...
Me: ok then do drop us a call when u decide to come by blah thankyoubye

2nd call

Me: hi it's me again.
FB: what do you want??!
Me(you owe me $$): well i understand that you are very busy, so for your convenience we could actually send a dispatch over to collect payment from you-

Then FB hung up on me!! (in case if you dunno, this is what i hate the most. if you are a good friend of mine DON'T ever try to do that.) that no-good bitch! owe money pay money OK!!! jiang hu's basic rules!

3rd call (almost immediately)

Me: hello may i speak to Ms. FB?
A giggley auntie: *giggles wait a moment...
(after 3 mins)
A giggley auntie: she's gone home already. *giggles
Me: oh. is it convenient for you to give me her home number?
A giggley auntie: *giggles er wait a moment.
(after 2 mins)
A giggley auntie: *giggles mumblegrumblerumblesorry*giggles *KUP

How about that? small little pathetic me was left to the empty *doo. doo. doo. tone of the phone while wondering what i should have been doing instead of trying to chase after that miserable $21 here. i feel like an Ah Long. (ie loanshark lah) but fortunately, this only comprises a small component of my job at kino.

So what do i do about FB now? i can void her card and bar her perpetually from all our wonderful priviledges. then i will get fired. haha... so now we shall just wait around and see what FB wants. *shrugs. no stress. i owe no money. i'm gonna leave soon (end of april). my life is difficult enough i don't need such unintelligent FB to mess it up further.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

9:16 PM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

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That's what mermaid wrote about me in her blog!! i didn't know i was THAT good a person!! hahaha... seriously. yipee!! at least i know i mean a lot to someone in this world!!!

Mermaid rawks too therefore i'm gonna write about her as well! :)

Mermaid & i both live in the sea.
Mermaid & i got to know each other in sec 3. (when she was known as marie back then) the original bozo back then put us together as PARTNERS. i wasn't really into talking to that marie then cos i didn't know her well but chatty her just kept talking non-stop. after a while i started to reveal my wacky weird antics, she suddenly realized that hey we're actually one of a kind! cool! some of the best times in cedar were when we slack in lessons together talking crap/thinking up funny nicknames/ languages/ secret codes/ drawings etc. Marie puts up with all my childish crap with incredibly high level of tolerence too! i can talk all the irritating rubbish and whine and whine all day and she never gets annoyed or try to change the subject like most people do.

All in all mermaid's greatly superby wonderful what will i do without mermaid??


I promised myself that i wouldn't buy anything else for the next 2 weeks cos of that lil' shopping trip in far east. HOWEVER, i bought another top at topshop yesterday!! i couldn't help it!! it was sweet (though jian says she doesn't like it cos it covers your figure & makes you look fat), bright green (though kinda too bright). hey but it's only at a super affordable $19! good bargain. sheesh i'm becoming like the spoilt shopaholic in that book. Jian must be thinking this: i told her she's not supposed to spend for some time look at what she's doing now. and pretending not to hear me! wait till she has no money left. see if i will lend her!

The above in italic is purely fictional.

Ok NOW i promise again that i will not spend anymore.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

9:47 PM

Monday, April 18, 2005

I had a marvellous increase in contact with the activity called SHOPPING recently.

Firstly i bought this book 'Shopaholic & Sister' from a book fair at Lucky Plaza which cost like $6!?! hehe.. the shopaholic inside was freeakin' irritatin. but more on that later. anyway she's rich & spoilt & brainless but she's like got loads of money & buys all sorts of things. she has inspired me... to be rich. (hence the amazing money-churning scheme ;P)

And on saturday when i was out to dinner with bra, we saw candice & vejoy in NYDC! =D so 2 of us proceeded to cut the queue and 4 of us sat down together at a crappy little table. which made the waitress 'am chio' whenever she passed us. ANYWAY. they each bought $100plus worth of clothes at Mango to get the priviledge card. fine. on our way out they decided to walk into Topshop to purchase another $150 worth of stuff and got yet another priviledge card. i'm seriously impressed. this is REAL shopping man. those are REAL shoppers. i'm yet again inspired.

On sunday jian & i went far east. and when we go far east it nearly almost mean we'll spend a lot of money cos we have the impression that the clothes there are reasonably priced. (which [be warned] could be a sadly misled myth.) so we could buy a lot. although a top from Forever21 might price the same but you know we wrinkle our noses and stuff.

Yeah anyway i spent quite a lot of money which i don't feel like calculating about how much. the best thing (and most non-cheap) i've bought was a nice skirt. the kind you'd wear to bintan for a holiday. see but since i don't have a camera i shall draw it out for you. it's totally brilliant, the skirt.

Here it is.

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Isn't it great? it actually has lil' prints and glittery threads but i couldn't manage to draw those details. this would do.

These are the pics we took in the Wheelock toilet.

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I'm actually NOT trying to be funny. it just turned out funny. check out that hot butt in the background.

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And this. better.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

12:03 AM

Friday, April 15, 2005

Today i got so bored that at roughly 8pm plus i downloaded the once-so-popular mIRC. haven't been in there for like 4 years. wanted to check it out and feel how i felt back then when i was 13. IRC didn't change at all just that i realized i've grown up!! haha!

People still talk about the same old things. like intro? i'm 18f. what's your name? where you live? ht/wt? got pic? wanna meet up?

wanna have sex?

I was puzzled at first. back then people who used to say such things are like 18 or 19m. now people who say such stuff are like 23m. then i realized oh they are the same people!! they've aged!! haha... of course. silly me. i'm 18f now not 14f.

SO. my point is. wow. i realized that such things seem so crappy now that i'm 18f. i used to be so addicted to it when i was 14f. i stayed back in school to use their computers to chat. i stayed back till 5pm. i sneaked around to make sure those cheesy com techs don't see me. i hunt around the school to look for a suitable com. what was i thinking? god.

And here is a list of the most ridiculous thing i've requested people to do but they (obviously) won't do it. it's just too ridiculous you see.

1) asked huatz to kiss the sony poster girl on the train. i mean look at her she's just so kissable.
2) asked my sis to lend me $!.
3) asked SBS to make the bus 72 more frequent since so many ajcians (me) take it. at least gimme 5 mins not 15.
4) asked huatz to be a good friend.
5) asked wangba to stop making his water so dirty cos i gotta clean it frequently.

See? they are all so ridiculous right. tsk what was i thinking. ok maybe 1) & 5) could be understandable. but the rest??? did i think they'd really do it? come on man. kidding.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

10:40 PM

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I read this yanyan girl's blog yesterday and suddenly got inspired. *ding! i wanna make my blog a celebrity blog too!! see this. if i manage to get 3000 hits everyday just like her, (she's getting about 8000 after she won an award by the way. i think.) i could probably get prada to put an ad on my blog!! isn't that just so exciting??? the thought of it just make me sweat all over. woohoo. i could be filthy rich just by typing crap! (like her) not that i buy prada. prada just sounds cool you know the first name that pops up in my mind. probably cos i see prada everyday in taka. i've got potential. i may not be as pretty as her but i'm bitchy yeah. (like her)

OK so i've got to put this amazing money-churning plan into action.

first up
1) i gotta design my own blog. i can't keep using other people's design (although i do a lot of 'alterations' by cutting & pasting codes) HOW?? i dunno how to do man. i dunno even know how to use photoshop. *stumped. ok nevermind let's move on first k...

2) take a lot of pictures to showcase my wonderful life. but i don't have a camera yet. YET.

3) improve my lousy english. my spelling sucks. i can read more BOOKS. no problem.

4) be less boring and start blogging more interesting things. pour more wit inside my brain. ahh not to mention knowledge of course. how to make my life more interesting neh?? hmmms... imagination is the key...

5) tell all my friends about my blog and make them tell everyone they know. have a promotion. like for every 50 visits you get a snicker bar. in no time i'll get 3000 hits. or even 4000!! 5000!!! 8000!!!! 1000000000!!!!!!

See me now. i'm gonna be rich.

P.S. if any of you out there reading my blog are keen to help me realize my aspiration please do contact me. ie TAG. it'll be greatly appreciated. you will be remembered if.. i mean WHEN i'm rich. thank you.*takes a deep bow.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

11:18 PM

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Recently discovered this amazing truth about wangba: he loves to sun bathe. is this something all terapins love? in the morning when the sunlight pours in he'll crawl towards the sunny side, stand on his 2 muscular legs and lean against the wall of the tank, stretching his neck. doesn't he know that the UV rays will cause his skin to age faster? what's so enjoyable about sun tanning. why does he like to sun tan when he could roll around in those pebbles i arranged for him. so now i can't shut my windows in the morning when i go out so as to allow some sunlight to stream in for him.

It often amuses me to be contantly reminded that the most difficult people on earth are the highly-educated Singaporeans. you know what i'm talking about if you've been in customer service before.

You know it's bad enough that you simply can't follow instructions. let's say you've made some error on your cheque which would cause it to be unbankable. naturally i gotta call you to inform you and for you to amend your mistake.

If you are a foreigner this is what you'll usually say: "oh i'm so sorry for your inconvenience. thanks for your trouble!"

If you are an averagely-educated Singaporean this is what you'll usually say: "ya ok.. thanks."

If you are a highly-eduacated Singaporean this is what you might say: "oh you have no idea how much inconvenience it'll cause me! can you just call up the bank to check if my cheque can be banked in?? it's just a phone call you know??"
Me: "well i'm so sorry that your stupidity has caused you so much inconvenience ma'am. if this kinda cheque can be banked in i won't be wasting my time & saliva talking to you and putting up with your shit right now. bitch."

Of course i didn't say that.

Why do they think that they're always right? Sad cases, them. i'm sure they weren't like that when they were kids. I have to constantly remind myself not to be such people now. tsk.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

11:01 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005

March 30

SAN DIEGO - The hunt is on for a turd burglar. Police in San Diego are searching for a gunman who swiped a bag of poop from a woman out walking her dog.

The woman told police that she was out walking her dog, Misty, on Monday night when a man in his 20s ran up behind her and grabbed the bag she was holding.

When the gunman discovered what was in it, he threw it down in disgust, pointed his gun at the 32-year-old woman and demanded money, San Diego police detective Gary Hassen said.

He then aimed his .22-caliber semiautomatic at Misty and pulled the trigger twice but the gun didn't fire, Hassen said.

The robber ran to a waiting small, silver car and fled the scene, police said.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

11:06 PM

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Haven't been watching japanese dramas for years. NOW i really like takuya kimura. haha kinda slow. i liked 'long vacation' but i wasn't really hooked onto him. guess he looks better older and with short hair. looks more boyish. and cute! and irresistable! and mesmerising! and so on. actually 'good luck!!' doesnt have much of a story. it just revolves around the cabin crew's way of life, until at the last 3 episodes when shinkai (kimura) fell and injured his leg, shattering his dream of being a pilot. pilots. they look so damn cool in that show.

"Ready for take-off."

I know why i like japanese dramas so much, much more than korean dramas. it's cos they're mostly so idealistic.

I get very nervous whenever i'm on a plane, without fail. next time i can imagine shinkai hajime as the captain. hee...

Oh by the way why must he say "good luck" in his announcement to the passengers before take-off? isn't it like predicting danger already? i'll feel uneasy. why should i have good luck to be on your plane? why is the show named 'good luck'? :S

I think my entry about flings has caused a sort of a disturbance to bra. haha... oh well. you know. life. i gotta protect myself. shield. no one else will look out for me except myself.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

9:17 PM

Friday, April 08, 2005

Huatz is finally off to the army! woopie do. there's no other person who could make me look down on myself so much. bah. you cheater. you win. stay safe & happy! like you'll see this.

I am currently contemplating having like flings instead of a serious relationship now. see think about it, not many people take relationships seriously. how many people around my age actually do intend for their relationships to last? *counting... not many. i guess it's for the fun... to make life more interesting. to have a life! yes. i shall join the crowd. no more heartaches.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land

11:43 PM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Reading my past entries, i realized that i've unknowingly committed tons of grammatical as well as spelling mistakes. ha! like, why did i say 'what come around goes around.' should be 'what goes around comes around' right? :s or is it the same...

Okies so here's my biography of my pet terapin Wangba. it's gonna be real boring but here goes:

How i got started: One fine day in school i accidentally heard Xingni & Meijuan discussing about their terapin Malcolm. It plays 'splashies' in its tank, break-dances , runs marathons etcetc i was enchanted by their stories... so cute!!! awww... so on an impulse i ran to huatz and announced that i want a terapin too. boy do i sound like a kid.

The purchase: Thus on our way to Kovan where there should sell terapins i start to get indecisive again( like what's new). after all the hesitations & tuggings & 'keshikeshihors' he finally said 'no more ke shis' and went ahead. okies. we saw some soft shell turtles which looked totally gross and expensive. we saw normal terapins. 2 of 'em. 1 was dying on a rock the other was frantically swimming upwards 2 greet us. obviously we chose the more courteous one. i didn't think of asking about its gender nor the feeding instructions. was just thinking of how much fun i'm gonna have with it.

Statistics: So my baby terapin (about the size of my lil' finger) was dropped & packaged in a ballooned plastic bag. i forgot how much it costs. i forgot what date it was. i'm a lousy owner. i did not know how much of the food pellet thing i was supposed to feed. just agar.

The naming: my terapin have to have a name. i haven't known many terapins, only xingni's malcolm & suwen's toot toot. i have no idea what would make a good terapin name. i almost decided to name it chengfa (which i fortunately didn't). so huatz being a usual lamer here suggested wangba. the full name being wu gui wangba. he didn't think i'd actually adopt that name. i like being unpredictable. since wangba is a guy's name i decided then that it's male. yup.

Home sweet home: on our way home we actually stopped by at the swings, until we decided wangba's balloon of oxygen is running out. home sweet home to it's first dwelling of a plastic container until i get a tank loan from him. Wangba now dwells in his third home the medium tank.

So i guess it's been almost a year... or somewhere there... happy 1st birthday Wangba!! *clapclapclap * whistles * throws confetti *cheers i love you. thanks for all the beautiful memories!

Yeah this is a lousy biography. i can't remember most details nor his vital stats. bleh whatever.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
9:07 PM

Monday, April 04, 2005

Gee i really hate to talk to him sometimes... to see his reply that shows that he doesn't care... oh well maybe i'm not used to it yet. it's been a few weeks only anyway. i WILL adapt. we won't be talking much anyway.

Hmms according to Cheeguan, choir's in quite a mess now. hmms... i don't really have anything to comment lol... good luck...

Brandon's gonna jump off a plane soon. that's fun.

I think that my Wangba may be one year old already... time flies... i shall do a biography for him tomorrow if i feel like it. =)

I love my Wangba cos i can look at him all day and talk to him and he won't hurt me.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
11:52 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005

You Are the Girl Next Door!

You're caring, warm, and the girl that nice guys want to marry.
Uncomplicated and simple, you've got an easy going attitude guys love.
But this doesn't mean you're dull - far from it!
You're a great conversationalist, and you're an expert at living the good life.

What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Found this test on weini's blog & even had the same outcome... haha... we are both sweet lil' girls..!!?? hehe

Had my 2nd dance class yesterday, then went with fish lyn & gao to marche for dinner. it's good to know that some of the things in life hasn't changed. at least not our close friendship, after being almost outta touch which each other for 2 years. =)

And i bought new shades... first pair of my life. cos i wanna look like a poser. yeap. i spent sucha long time digging for coins that the man gave me $2 discount. putting on the shades make me feel kinda dizzy. but it's ok cos it's cheap and i won't be posing for the whole day anyway.

My section chief lent me her vcds of the japanese serial 'Good Luck'. I've watched 2 episodes & it's good! funny. actually has deep meanings. worth watching. i like kimura.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
9:49 PM

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Went with Eunice to her cell group's food fair today, which i didn't eat any food... haha.. well my main purpose was just to go see see look look and occupy my mind with some things...

And we talked a lot... she & i.. talked about the past... how good it used to be... talked about now... how saddening... how things are always not like what they seem to be... it's pretty depressing. or perhaps it's just the way that we perceive some things. i dunno... growing up is incredibly complicated.

Maybe she's right to say that i'm thinking too much... maybe i HAVE assumed too many things, which seemed so right to me then. due to the nature of me being so stubborn all the time. the nature of me being forever distrustful & suspicious of a person who has let me down before. the nature of me always wanting to do things in the RIGHT way. the PERFECT way. the way that i always think i'm right. then when something goes wrong i'll start to bang my head against the wall and feel that it's all my fault.

Maybe it's just being Virgo. it's highly stressful.

I'm sorry that my recent entries are all kinda depressing. this is what you call getting disillusioned with people, with life. i'll try to blog something more cheerful next time.

dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
12:15 AM

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