Sunday, February 27, 2005
I am worth $1,963,210.00 on
I knew i came cheap.
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
1:38 PM
Supposed to have gathering at fish's house today... but ended up only left jian & i eager to go... so we ended up being not so eager anymore, and went walking around town(again) instead. and we took these pics. with jian's shaky hands they're already very blur. with my blog's 'special fuzzy effects' they look like pics of the unexplainable mysterious creatures. ah well... but actually it'll look much clearer if viewed in some other brower except microsoft explorer.
Here's us on the train...

This pic was actually secretly taken by some handsome foreign stranger who thought we were so beautiful that he couldn't resist taking a shot for keepsake. however we managed to steal it back. *snorts
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
1:37 AM
Friday, February 25, 2005
I've given up seats on the train before but this is the first time i gave up a pole. it involves a shameless man & a shameless girl.
It happened today after work. as usual the train was packed so there's absolutely no chance that people from douby gaut can get a seat, so the best alternative for most people was to fight for a pole to lean on. shamelessly, i was one of those people today... leaning on a pole meant for 10 hands to hold on to. well anyway... shameless man boarded the train a few stops after, and starting to grab at MY pole. obviously since i'm leaning against MY pole, his hands had to 'accidentally' touch my 'not-so-unsensitive' bodily part. obviously i had move away from MY pole. made it more convenient for shameless man to grab onto MY pole... then lean onto it comfortably, while i'm left standing alone with no support(pole). *gasp. devious. what a scheming man.
I gave up my pole on the train today. slightly irritated. mildly amused.
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
10:26 PM
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Findings of the week: 1) the cheese in mac's fillet-o-fish is being reduced to half a
piece of cheese.
2) the chinese new year fa gao in my office has become
home to about 7 species(I've counted) of mould...
very colourful... fascinating.
3) the sweetest cutest MyMelody soft toy at Wheelock!!
haha... awwww... saw it yesterday with jian after
work... it's so sweeeeeeeet... arghhh... last one in
stock!! but I gotta control myself... cannot splurge all
my money away!!! *sobs... my mymelody... ='(
I want... haiz... so depressing...
I've decided to change my blog music regularly now hee so any visitors please switch on your speakers LOUD enough in order to appreciate it... =p
Jian i don't like pretty boys... hahaha... so if I like anyone it shows that he's not a pretty boy. good thing too so that we both will never like a same guy!
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
9:31 PM
Thursday, February 17, 2005
I'm about to go to sleep now but just thought of blogging my boring blog for a while to make it less boring but with more boring entries like this it could possibly make it more boring instead but it's ok cos it reflects my boring life which is the sole purpose of a boring blog.
I really actually can't think of much to blog about. i really actually got a lot of things on my mind which i dunno how to express & find no point in explaining too clearly. i'm like living among the clouds, i can't see things clearly. i feel like a confused cloudy twisted scrunched-up... thing. what is it that i'm so bothered about? i think about it all the time now. i think about it so much that i get tired and want to stop thinking altogether. i'm not really sure of what i want, sorry if my behaviour seems kinda inconsistant. or maybe it's cos i have funny mood swings. see wat i mean. confused twisted. i'm going crazy. i can't seem to pick myself up. i dun wanna sound like i'm whining again. someone please kick me.
I remembered minghui once said that jinling is not an untalkative girl. but jinling seldom talks a lot now i guess. except with certain friends at particular cheerful sessions when she feels comfortable. jinling seems like she can still talk & laugh but she never feel chatty anymore. whywhy?
I never meant to be annoying or hurt you in any way. i know i can't expect you to be so understanding all the time. i'm sorry everytime when it's my fault but i feel like it's my fault all the time. maybe i feel better blaming myself than to blame you. i'm so tired of explanations.
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
11:30 PM
Monday, February 14, 2005
Marie says it's the hottest weather ever in 15 years. ha... i'm not sure about that but it sure is hot. whew. i'm feeling very dizzy these days... maybe cos of all those heaty new year goodies plus hot weather plus staying up late 'doing something'... haha... please don't say that you don't deserve it... i know you'll cherish it so it's worth =)
Yumyum baking cookies & brownies is nice... although we produced one whole batch of charcoal black cookies =P we still had quite a lot left... my first attempt in bakery! not bad an experience =D i shall bake more next time...
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
5:27 PM
Friday, February 11, 2005
Seems like most people think that this lunar new year doesn't have much festive feelings to it... well... i feel so too... maybe cos the lack of school life contributes to the lack of enthusiasm for festivals? ha.. i have no idea, just a suggestion.
Lunar new year for our family is definitely more simple this year. simpler decorations. simpler renunion dinner. simpler clothes. somehow the older i get the less exciting is chinese new year to me. i used to get very excited when new year is near. used to fuss & wanna play a part in the purchase of new year goodies, now i don't even know what we have. the tradition of wearing NEW clothes & shoes used to be sacred. now i don't really mind wearing old stuff. guess that's part of growing up, you get more indifferent about simple things... i don't wanna grow up.. =P
Oh but i'm still pretty excited about the good food part. *slurps.. i hereby officially declare that my favourite chinese new year goody is...... pineapple tarts!! for now. after angbaos of course.
I can whine as much as i want!!! *grins
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
8:53 PM
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
That person said the below is not true... at least not completely true i guess... so i shall believe that person =) nevertheless... i don't think i'll feel the same anymore... i will try to behave accordingly to what i think the person wants. it's more convenient.
Happy chinese new year to jinling & everyone~~!
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
11:39 PM
Sunday, February 06, 2005
There's only one word to describe my feelings now, and that is disappointment. *major face fall. i feel so naive again, more naive than ever. maybe more naive than last time. ok maybe not. but still very foolish. when one discovers that the person she always like to share her day's happenings & thoughts with is actually not interested in whatever shit she has to say. neither does that person appreciates her care. at least that's what i perceived. is she foolish or foolish? so... we aren't on such good terms as i thought. i'm sorry. i wished all these are not true, and it's just that i've misunderstood what you mean. i dunno what i've done wrong. maybe to annoy you. foolish girl.
Life is difficult.
dara lost in [[fairytale]]-land
11:07 PM